
Most medical treatments are designed for the average patient as a one-size-fits-all-approach, which may be successful for some patients but not for others.

Precision or personalised medicine is an innovative care model designed to optimize the efficiency and therapeutic benefits for you as my patient through the integration of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

Precision medicine often involves pharmacogenetic testing. The goal of precision medicine is to target the right treatments to the right patients at the right time.

Precision medicine considers variability in your genes, environment, and lifestyle to decide disease treatment and prevention, more accurately predicting which treatment and prevention strategies will work best for you as my patient. This incorporates a predictive, preventive, personalised and participatory medicine approach, specific to you and tailored for you.

This innovative, precision health technology unlocks the ability for me to deliver you personalized treatment with better outcomes.

I have offer the following genetic tests:

The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetics Test
The Health and Wellbeing Test
The Myogenes Mental Health Map™

The combination of these tests is the ideal way to personalise your treatment from a holistic mind body scientific platform.

The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetics Test

The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test is the most advanced and comprehensive mental health pharmacogenetic test available. This genetic provide genetic information to healthcare professionals which guides prescribing of medications for patients with mental illness and associated comorbidities.

Pharmacogenetics testing can play an important role in identifying responders and non-responders to medications, avoiding adverse events, and optimizing drug dose by analysing complex gene-drug and drug-drug interactions simultaneously to better manage your patient's full medication plan.

This test enables your doctor to assess these critical treatment insights without compromising accuracy or depth of information.

The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test comprehensively assesses your genetic profile to understand how you uniquely metabolise, respond to, and tolerate different psychiatric medications. This can help me, as your doctor to personalise what medications I prescribe you, and at what dosages.

Your Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Report is comprehensive and detailed and for this reason I have a personalized Zoom consultation with the Genomind Expert Genetic Psychopharmacologists in the USA.

I then also have access to their Genomind Precision Health Platform; this portal provides secure online access to your report and comprehensive additional clinical tools, specific to you.

This helps me to check potential drug-drug, drug- gene and drug- age interactions when prescribing medications and other treatments sensitive to certain enzyme systems specific to you.

This guidance assumes systemic drug exposure via oral administration of your medication.

Your Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Report provides an overview of your genetic profile, and your gene results are separated into their respective categories for ease of use.

Your Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Report includes a Pharmacodynamic Gene Variation Report, which assesses 15 pharmacodynamic gene results to understand how your genotype may affect your tolerability and/or likelihood of responding to specific therapeutic options.

Your test also includes a Pharmacokinetic Gene Variation Report, which evaluates 11 pharmacokinetic gene results, to understand the function of your genetic variants and how your genotype may affect your drug metabolism and absorption of certain drugs.

Your Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Report also includes a Gene Drug Interaction Summary Report, which provides insight about how your genetic profile interacts with commonly prescribed medications so you can understand how your genotype may influence your biological responses, drug absorption, metabolism or blood - brain barrier penetration.

You are provided with a diagnosis specific summary report, where all your results are incorporated into one visually plotted view based on your clinical diagnosis/diagnoses.

Your report includes descriptions of test methodology and literature references as well as detailed information regarding the genetic variance tests (i.e. single nucleotide polymorphisms).

The test involves taking a buccal swab (from the inside of your cheek). You will receive a test-kit from the Myogenes team in London. Once the lab has received your sample, the results are usually sent back to me within approximately ten working days.

The fee for the test is £1500.00

This fee reflects the cost of the test as advertised on the Myogenes website (£786.00) and the additional cost of £714 includes the Zoom Consultation that I have with the Genomind experts in the USA and the preparation of a detailed feedback report and treatment recommendation based on the findings of your report that you will receive from me.



Whilst you can purchase these Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test directly from Myogenes, you need me to authorise the requisition form and have a Zoom consultation with the Genomind Genetic Experts in the USA to specifically go through the exact details of your report so that I as your Psychiatrist can prepare a feedback report for you that you are able to understand and that treatment recommendations can be made on the basis of the findings of your report.

In other words you cannot order the Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test as a standalone test without the involvement of me as your Psychiatrist.

The Health and Wellbeing Test

Each one of us possesses a specific genetic makeup which provides data about the most effective forms of nutrition that our particular body responds well to. And thanks to constant scientific advancement, it's now actually possible to create a personalised diet, nutrition and lifestyle plan based on your DNA.

Through detailed analysis based on your individual DNA, you will:

  • Discover the most important micro-and macro-nutrients your body needs.
  • Learn about your metabolism of alcohol, coffee, and lactose and how you respond to physical activity, including a greater understanding of your muscles and which sports will benefit you most.
  • Discover whether you have a propensity for being overweight, have high cholesterol, high blood sugar, weak bones and more.
  • Discover whether you are prone to oxidative stress - which determines your speed of ageing.

You can eliminate the guesswork from dieting and exercise through a simple saliva test which you can do at home, with a 110-page personalised report of your results available within 4 to 6 weeks.

Your genetics can facilitate you unlocking your optimal diet for living a healthy active lifestyle.

A detailed analysis of your individual DNA will reveal:

  • The most important micro-and macro-nutrients your body needs.
  • Analysis of your metabolism of alcohol, coffee, and lactose
    • How you respond to physical activity, including:
    • A greater understanding of your muscles
    • Which sports will benefit you most.
  • Whether you have a propensity for being overweight.
    • Have high cholesterol, high blood sugar, weak bones and more.
  • Whether you are prone to oxidative stress.
    • Which determines your speed of ageing.

The Myogenes Mental Health Map™

The Myogenes Mental Health Map™ is designed to identify your genetic predispositions for 7 Core Genetic Mental Health Capabilities.

Understanding the role that these genetic mechanisms play in your mental health empowers you to take new actions.

This genetic test is designed to identify your genetic predispositions for the following 7 Core Genetic Mental Health Capabilities:

  • Stress and Anxiety
    • Heightened Stress
    • Fear and Startle Responses
    • Worry
    • Lingering Guilt
    • Nervousness
    • Tension
    • Rule Follower or Warrior-Like Resilience.
  • Mood
    • Moodiness
    • Irritability
    • Even Tempered
    • Type A Personality
    • Reserved
    • Low Mood and Energy
    • Negative Bias
    • Thick-Skinned or Thin-Skinned.
  • Focus and Memory
    • Inattentiveness/ Distractibility
    • Decreased Working or Visual-Spatial Memory
    • Improved Muscle Memory
    • Mid-Life Brain Fog
    • Strategic Focus
    • Impulsivity
  • Eating Behaviour
    • Late-Night Snacking
    • Emotional Eating
    • Skipping Breakfast
    • Picky Eating
    • Sweet Tooth
    • Fat Cravings
    • Overeating
  • Sleep
    • Each one of us possesses a specific genetic makeup which provides data about the most effective forms of nutrition that our particular body responds well to
  • Social Behaviour
    • Performance Anxiety
    • Sensitivity to Rejection or Decreased Self Esteem
    • Dwelling on Embarrassment
    • Empathetic
    • Lone Wolf or People Person
    • Trusting
  • Substance use and Habits.
    • Increased Habit-Forming Potential
    • Comfortable with Risks
    • Easily Intoxicated
    • Nicotine Habit Potential
    • Sensitive to the Effects of Marijuana.

You will receive a detailed report on each core element, recommendations, videos, and detailed analytical portals to explore, including a one-on-one personal consult with a laboratory adviser to help you put a plan in place and follow it.

This genetic test incorporates:

  • Analysis of 38 genetic mechanisms that impact your mental health and wellness.
  • 7 interactive reports that identify your predispositions.
  • Genetically based recommendations and resources
  • 30-minute consult with a Genomind® BrainTrust™ Advisor
  • A 24-page, full colour guide to the 7 Core Genetic Mental Health Capabilities™

If you would like to find out more about these tests and the pricing structure, then please GetInTouch