
General Psychiatric Assessment

  • General Psychiatric Diagnostic and Treatment Recommendations Assessment - £750 (60 minutes.
    • Fee paid in full in advance to secure initial assessment appointment and all subsequent follow up appointments with me
    • This has to be within 24 hours from the time the appointment is offered as I have a long waiting list and the appointment will otherwise be offered to someone on my waiting list
    • Your assessment is in person at 10 Harley Street but can be by Zoom if you prefer.
    • All remote consultations use a secure password an encrypted Zoom Video platform.
  • Once you have secured an assessment appointment with me you will be sent a comprehensive set of academically validated self-report Psychometric questionnaires to complete and return prior to your appointment with me
    • These are sent to you by e-mail, with a covering e-mail from me explaining the nature and purpose of the questionaries.
    • The psychometric assessments can never be used as a sole means of any mental health diagnosis.
    • Results of your psychometric assessments must always be interpreted in the appropriate clinical context by a suitably qualified individual, which in this case is me as your Consultant Psychiatrist
    • Use of assessments for self-diagnosis is not permitted.
    • Generally, raw scores or outputs from psychometric tools are not self-explanatory.
    • The interpretation of these scores typically requires expertise.
    • Therefore, a qualified expert is needed to interpret the results and provide guidance on their significance
    • In this context I am the qualified expert.
    • Without an expert, results might be considered ambiguous and lacking in context.
  • The psychometric tests that I use includes assessment screening include, for example
    • ADHD and ADHD linked conditions
    • Mood disorders
    • Anxiety Spectrum Disorders
    • Obsessive compulsive disorder
    • Satisfaction with life
    • Pain Self-Efficacy
    • Eating Disorders
    • Stress
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • Mindful Awareness
    • Therapeutic Alliance
    • Personality profiling
    • Cognitive Flexibility
  • This is not the entire list but a sample
  • After your appointment with me you will receive a detailed General Psychiatric Diagnostic and Treatment Recommendations Assessment Report.
    • This will outline available treatment options and a prescription for medication.
    • Follow up recommendations will be discussed and arranged.
  • Follow-up standard (30 minutes) £350.
  • Follow-up extended (60 minutes) - £700.
    • For self-funding patients only
    • For all appointments with me fees are paid in advance to secure your appointment
  • Second Opinion Assessments with a detailed Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment Recommendation Report - £1000 (60 minutes)
    • Fee paid in advance to secure appointment.
  • International Diagnostic Assessments at 10 Harley Street
    • £1000/hr

Please note the following

  • If your Diagnostic Assessment And Treatment Recommendations Report by me details that there are other recommendations that you may want to consider as part of an effective holistic treatment plan, for example if it is identified that you have a dysfunction of both your Serotoninergic and Dopaminergic systems, I may recommend that you consider having Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Testing in order to have a precision medicine platform to work from in terms of making decisions regarding your medication.
  • If I think that there is a more significant condition that needs to be treated first then I will include this in my treatment recommendations, for example Ketamine Assisted Therapy for Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
    • See details below

There is no obligation whatsoever for you to have any of these treatment recommendations, and I will respect your decision either way as I am mindful that these will incur additional substantial costs, but I include them in my report if I believe that they would help you achieve the best treatment outcome

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • ADHD Diagnostic and Treatment Recommendation Assessment (60 minutes) - £2000*
  • I offer ADHD diagnostic assessments in the Independent Sector to NHS patients due to the often very long waiting times to be seen in the NHS.
  • I also offer these to self-funding patients but not in connection with any Private Medical Insurance Companies apart from Helix who fund the full cost of my assessment, and all follow up appointments.

You must check in advance with your NHS GP that they would be prepared to enter into a Shared Care Agreement with me after diagnosis and ADHD medication titration.
Please do not make an appointment with me for an ADHD assessment until you have provided written proof from your GP that they would be prepared to enter into a shared care agreement with me.
Your ADHD Assessment with me

  • Paid in full in advance to secure initial assessment appointment and all subsequent follow up appointments.
  • Your assessment is by Zoom but can be in person at 10 Harley Street if you prefer.
  • Your ADHD Assessment with me includes a full Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment Recommendation Report as detailed above and a comprehensive ADHD assessment is incorporated into this report
  • Once you have secured an assessment appointment with me you will be sent a comprehensive set of academically validated self-report Psychometric questionnaires to complete and return prior to your appointment with me
  • These are sent to you by e-mail, with a covering e-mail from me explaining the nature and purpose of the questionaries.
  • The psychometric assessments can never be used as a sole means of any mental health diagnosis.
  • Results of your psychometric assessments must always be interpreted in the appropriate clinical context by a suitably qualified individual, which in this case is me as your Consultant Psychiatrist
  • Use of assessments for self-diagnosis is not permitted.
  • Generally, raw scores or outputs from psychometric tools are not self-explanatory.
  • The interpretation of these scores typically requires expertise.
  • Therefore, a qualified expert is needed to interpret the results and provide guidance on their significance
    • In this context I am the qualified expert.
    • Without an expert, results might be considered ambiguous and lacking in context.
  • The psychometric tests that I use includes assessment screening for
    • ADHD and ADHD linked conditions
    • Mood disorders
    • Anxiety Spectrum Disorders
    • Obsessive compulsive disorder
    • Satisfaction with life
    • Pain Self-Efficacy
    • Eating Disorders
    • Stress
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • Mindful Awareness
    • Therapeutic Alliance
    • Personality profiling
    • Cognitive Flexibility
  • This is not the entire list but a sample
  • I also assesses Adult ADHD symptoms and their effects on relationships, work, life skills, social skills, self-concept, and any issues of risk in relation to these areas.
  • I also complete a Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA).
  • Once your assessment is complete you will then br provided with a comprehensive and detailed ADHD Assessment Report.
    • If you have a definitive diagnosis of ADHD, then you will also be issued with a prescription for a trial of ADHD medication based on the recommendations made by NICE
    • NICEDrugTreatment
    • You will be provided with a prescription for an up-titrating dose of medication that will last you for eight weeks.
  • You will then have a follow up appointment with me
    • This is not included in the £2000 fee and is a separate follow up appointment as detailed above as Follow-up standard (30 minutes) £350
  • For full details regarding ADHD Medication please refer to
  • You may require
    • Baseline investigations if indicated (Bloodwork, ECG)
    • You will need to arrange these if required these through your NHS GP or have them done privately - they will be outlined in your report if required
    • Self-monitoring mandatory (BP, pulse, weight, appetite, sleep)
    • Prescriptions are delivered to your home within 24 hours of them being received by Zen Pharmacy who processed all of Dr Kampers' private prescriptions for Scheduled Drugs
    • The cost of medication is on a private prescription and incurs a separate prescription fee and the cost of medication.

For existing patients of mine who would like to have an ADHD assessment it would be my recommendation that they consider having The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test in advance of their ADHD assessment so that when we discuss the results of their ADHD assessment, we have the results of The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test to use as the ideal precision medicine platform so that the choice of their ADHD medication can be guided by the results of The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test. Ordinarily, the cost of having a detailed ADHD assessment and The Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Test would be £3500.00, but I am prepared two offer these to my existing patients for £2500.00, which is only £500.00 more than the cost of the ADHD assessment and £1000.00 less than having both and gives me the perfect platform to guide the based treatment options for you based on your genetic blueprint. Details of this test are as follows ThePsychiatricPharmacogeneticsTest. Your report would then be inclusive of the details and results of this test and would form part of your detailed report. You would have this test in advance of your appointment with me so that when we did have our appointment, we would be able to discuss not only the results of your test but also precision medicine planning with respect to your medication. The full fee of £2500.00 would need to be paid in advance to secure this offer to my existing patients.

I do not routinely enter into Shared Care Agreements (SCA) with NHS GPs

  • If you want a SCA with an NHS GP, then you will need to confirm with your GP that they are prepared to do this prior to securing an Assessment Appointment with me.

If you do not have written proof from your NHS GP of an agreement to enter into a SCA, then you will need to self-fund all appointments and the cost of medication on a private prescription

It is important that you read, understand, and agree to these terms before signing and agreeing to them on the New Patient Assessment and Agreement to Dr Kampers' Terms and Conditions Form

If you are unable to self-fund the initial ADHD assessment and follow up appointments as well as the cost of ADHD medication then you need to consider whether seeing me is the right option for you

For Shared Care Agreement with NHS GPs

  • Your NHS GPs will expect to be provided with all the relevant clinical details of your diagnostic assessment including monitoring data.
    • They will want evidence that relevant baseline investigations are performed, documenting height, weight, blood pressure and pulse.
    • They will want to know that any additional relevant investigations have been performed (an ECG of cardiac clearance where indicated). >>They will want to know that your condition is stable and/or predictable.
    • They will want evidence of ADHD medication titration and adequate response to treatment.

Please note the following

  • If your Diagnostic Assessment And Treatment Recommendations Report by me details that there are other recommendations that you may want to consider as part of an effective holistic treatment plan, for example if it is identified that you have a dysfunction of both your Serotoninergic and Dopaminergic systems, I may recommend that you consider having Psychiatric Pharmacogenetic Testing in order to have a precision medicine platform to work from in terms of making decisions regarding your medication.
  • If I think that there is a more significant condition that needs to be treated first then I will include this in my treatment recommendations, for example Ketamine Assisted Therapy for Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • See below

There is no obligation whatsoever for you to have any of these treatment recommendations, and I will respect your decision either way as I am mindful that these will incur additional substantial costs, but I include them in my report if I believe that they would help you achieve the best treatment outcome


  • I do not offer stand-alone ASD Assessments; they are only ever part of an ADHD Assessment
  • I do not treat patients with a Primary diagnosis of ASD

ADHD Assessments and Insurance Companies

  • I do not accept ADHD Assessments via Insurance Companies apart from Healix who authorise and pay for these appointments in full.

Continuity of care under me as your Consultant Psychiatrist

  • In order to remain under my care , you will need to agree and adhere to my treatment recommendations and be reviewed by me on a regular basis.
    • How often you will need to be reviewed by me will be determined by me and will depend on the complexity of your case and associated risk.
    • Generally, once your mental health is stable, then you will be reviewed by every 3 to 4 months
    • If you cancel successive appointments with me, then you will be discharged from my care back to the care of your GP
    • If you cannot afford to see me every 4 months then you cannot remain under my care
    • If you have not seen by me for >6 months or if you have been discharged from my care then you will need to complete a New Patient Assessment form and see me as a General new patient assessment as detailed above
    • I will decide on a case-by-case basis as to whether I will accept you back as a patient under my care.

Reports and Letters

  • Medical reports
    • £1000 per hour (quote provided on request of report)
    • This includes assessment time for and preparation of reports.
    • Zoom consultations with lawyers: £1000 per hour.
  • Court reports
    • The fee will depend on the complexity of the case but usually £1000 per hour (quote provided on request of report)
    • This includes assessment time for and preparation of Court Reports
    • A quote can only be provided once I have received a formal letter of instruction from a solicitor.
  • Letters
    • Personal Independences Payment (PIP) Letter £100 - £150
    • Medical Evidence Letter - £100
    • Medication for Travel Letters - £100
    • Personal Mitigation Circumstances Letter - £100
    • Inclusive Support Statement Letter - £100
    • Reasonable Adjustment Plans Letter - £100
    • Exam Access Arrangement Letter - £100
    • Firearm Licence Letter - £100
    • Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter - £100
    • Other letters £100 - £150, depending on complexity.


  • I no longer deals with either AXA or BUPA as Private Medical Insurance Companies (PMIs) for any new referrals or existing follow up appointments
    • These changes were effective as of 01/01/2024.
  • Fees for Home Visits.
    • £1500/hr including travel time if within normal clinic hours
    • £2000/hr including travel time if not within normal clinic hours
  • Fees for Case Management - POA.
  • Fees for Holistic Mind Body Assessments - POA.
  • Fees outside of designated clinic hours (weekdays including Fridays up to 12h00).
    • £1000 per hour rounded to the full hour.
  • Fees outside of designated clinic hours (weekends - Friday (from 12h00) / Saturday / Sunday).
    • £1500 per hour rounded to the full hour.
  • Fees outside of designated clinic hours are the same irrespective of whether you have Private Medical Insurance (PMI) - these are out of hours designated rates and have to be self-funded.
  • Very occasionally I will agree to New Patient Assessment whilst I am on leave at £2000/hr rounded to the full hour.
    • The fees are the same irrespective of whether the consultation takes place in person, or remotely (via Zoom or telephone)


  • I now operates a paperless, digital prescription service for all private prescriptions (using a remote digital signature certificate, also known as a Qualified Cloud Signature, Certified by Adobe Sign, a Document Cloud solution, prod-eu-central-1-hsm2 EU Qualified Electronic Seal CA G2)
    • This is via an EU Qualified Electronic Signature that complies with the UK eIDAS Regulations requirements for qualified trust services eIDAS
    • Prescriptions are no longer posted to pharmacies that do not accept this service.
    • There are no paper copies posted to pharmacies
    • This excludes FP10 Scheduled drugs detailed below.
    • Please check with your local pharmacy that they are willing accept these prescriptions, without and hardcopy being posted
    • This does not apply to Class A, Class B and Class C drugs as detailed on ControlledDrugsandDrugDependenceRegulationandClassification
    • The Department of Health and the Scottish Government have issued a strong recommendation that the maximum quantity of Schedule 2, 3 or 4 Controlled Drugs prescribed should not exceed 30 days; exceptionally, to cover a justifiable clinical need and after consideration of any risk, a prescription can be issued for a longer period, but the reasons for the decision should be recorded on the patient's notes.
    • This will only apply if you are travelling for more than 30 days.
    • If not, then I use ZenPharmacies
    • All Private Controlled Drug (CD) Prescriptions FP10 are sent to Zen Pharmacies
    • These are not issued electronically but are posted by recorded delivery.
    • Private Controlled Drug (CD) Prescriptions are issued on Private FP10 pink prescriptions and include ADHD medications, Codeine Phosphate, Dihydrocodeine, Ketamine, Cannabis Based Medicinal Products(CBMP), most benzodiazepines, Zaleplon, Zolpidem Tartrate, Zopiclone, Tramadol, Pregabalin and Gabapentin.
    • These are best prescribed by your NHS GP, otherwise you have to see me every month for these prescriptions to be reissued, as I do not issue prescriptions for these medications outside of review appointments.
    • All private prescriptions will incur a prescription fee and a cost of medication fee.
    • I use e-Prescriptions through DGLPracticeManager, which is compliant with all GPhC, GDPR and e-Prescribing regulations.

NHS prescriptions

  • In some cases, it may be possible for your GP to take over the prescribing of your medication.
    • This will depend on the medication you are on, how long you have been taking it for, and whether your GP is willing to do so.

Shared Care Agreements (SCA)

  • A Shared Care Agreement is used to facilitate the sharing of care and prescribing between NHS Specialists and NHS GPs
  • I do not routinely enter into SCA with NHS GPs
    • Unless you are able to provide written confirmation from your NHS GP that they are willing to enter into a SCA with me, then you should not proceed with an ADHD Assessment by me
    • Otherwise, you will need to self-fund medication, and all follow up reviews.

Repeat prescriptions

  • Prescriptions issued during a consultation will last you until your next follow-up appointment.
    • It is your responsibility to ensure you fill your prescription as soon as it is issued so that it does not expire.
  • There will be a £100 fee for all reissue of expired prescriptions.
    • Please do not allow your prescriptions to expire
  • A request for a repeat prescription should not be a substitute for a consultation.
  • There is a £100 fee for prescriptions issued outside of appointments - during regular clinic hours
    • Payment of the prescription fee is required before the prescription is issued.
    • Please avoid this situation as it is a costly process.

Medication side effects

  • DrugsandMedicationsAtoZ provides detailed and accurate information on over 24,000 prescription and over-the-counter medicines for both consumers and healthcare professionals.
    • It is every patient's personal responsibility to read the product monograph on any medication they are prescribed before they start taking their medication as it is impossible for me to list every side effect of every medication.
    • I will sometimes recommend PrecisionMedicineGenetics, specifically PsychiatricPharmacogeneticTesting if you have a previous history of side effects with medication or a history treatment resistance.

Drug Interactions Checker

Best use of Medicines in Pregnancy

If you would like to find out more about any of these treatments, then please GetInTouch