The Masters Series Oxford

posted 5th September 2023
The Masters Series Oxford
It was such a privilege to be invited to be a speaker at The Masters Series Oxford, the largest Trauma and Mental Health Conference in Europe and learn from Bessel van der Kolk MD, Stephen Porges PhD and Peter Levine PhD, all of whom are luminaries.
Their collaborative partnership , research and friendship has been instrumental in our understanding of and the progress that has been made in helping those whose lives have been devastated by trauma, addiction, chronic pain, and all other mental health difficulties.
There were so many other renowned leaders in their fields, too many to name but most notably Richard Schwartz PhD, the innovative creator of Internal Family System and Janina Fisher PhD, creator of Trauma-Informed Treatment Therapy.
It was also an honour to be invited to chair the panel discussion on Chronic Primary Pain and share the stage with Stephen Porges, Dr Susan Carter and Dr Mel Pohl.
Thank you to Araminta Jonsson and her team for coordinating such an extraordinary event. No mean feat!
To all my professional colleagues who are also personal friends - my tribe. You all know who you are.
Thank you for your unwavering support of and belief in me.
I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you.